Computer simulation of RBS, ERDA, NRA, MEIS and PIGE

by Matej Mayer

Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik


Computer simulation of RBS, ERDA, NRA and MEIS

by Matej Mayer


The SigmaCalc program has been developed by A. Gurbich and allows calculating cross-section data for non-Rutherford scattering and nuclear reactions for many ion-target combinations at any angle.

These evaluated cross-sections are based on a nuclear model, are benchmarked in many cases, and are generally more accurate than individual experimental data sets. The use of SigmaCalc cross-section data therefore provides unsurpassed accuracy for the simulation of elastic scattering and nuclear reaction analysis measurements.

SigmaCalc can be downloaded together with SIMNRA.

SigmaCalc 2.0 provides the following cross-section data for elastic scattering at all angles:

Incident ion Target atom
1H 4He
1H 10B*
1H 12C
1H 13C
1H 14N
1H 16O
1H 19F
1H 20Ne
1H 23Na
1H 24Mg
1H natMg
1H 27Al
1H 28Si
1H natSi
1H 31P
1H 32S
1H 40Ar
1H 39K
1H 40Ca
1H 48Ti
1H natTi
1H 52Cr
1H natCr
1H 56Fe
1H natFe
2D 12C
2D 16O
4He 12C
4He 14N
4He 16O
4He 19F
4He 20Ne
4He 24Mg
4He natMg
4He 28Si
4He natSi
4He natNi*
4He natCu*
4He natZn*
4He natGa*
4He natGe*
4He natAs*
4He natSe*
4He natBr*
4He natRb*
4He natSr*
4He natY*
4He natZr*
*New in SIMNRA 7.02


SigmaCalc 2.0 provides the following cross-section data for ERD:

Incident ion Target atom Detected ion
4He 1H 1H


SigmaCalc 2.0 provides the following cross-section data for NRA:

Incident ion Target atom Reaction
2D 12C 12C(2D,1H)13C
2D 14N 14N(2D,1H)15N
2D 14N 12C(2D,4He)12C (13.6 MeV)
2D 14N 12C(2D,4He)12C (9.1 MeV)
2D 16O 16O(2D,1H)17O* (1.92 MeV)
2D 16O 16O(2D,1H)17O* (1.05 MeV)
2D 16O 16O(2D,4He)14N
*New in SIMNRA 7.02